intercalated duct การใช้
- It has long striated ducts and short intercalated ducts.
- The secretory cells of each acinus surround a small " intercalated duct ".
- The intercalated ducts drain into larger ducts within the lobule, and finally " interlobular ducts ".
- Secretin helps regulate the pH of the duodenum by ( 1 ) inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid from the parietal cells of the stomach and ( 2 ) stimulating the production of bicarbonate from the centroacinar cells and intercalated ducts of the pancreas.
- It is also expressed in epithelium of the small intestine and large intestine for uptake and in small amounts in the bile duct, nasal mucosa, kidney, adrenal cortex, epithelium of the gastric mucosa with intestinal metaplasia, gallbladder, intercalated ducts of the pancreas, chief cells of the parathyroid and the corpus luteum of the ovary ( at protein level ).